Graduate Student Profiles

A portal to build collaborations within Nexus
Nexus’ Graduate Student Profile page is a blog-style self-introduction for Mines graduate students to potential partners at the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL).
For graduate students interested in gaining exposure to NREL scientists, create a blog post using the form at the right side of this page. It will be reviewed and posted on our password protected page. NREL staff and Mines faculty within Nexus can access at their leisure.
The purpose of the Nexus graduate student portal is to create connections between Mines graduate students and NREL researchers.
Interactions are completely voluntary and may take a variety of professional forms.
The NREL researcher may or may not have funding, depending on their specific situation. Results may be work on sponsored research through an APUP, initiating collaborative research or simply serving as a co-advisor.
Nexus is happy to help facilitate this introduction.
Members can access to the blog posts via the password-protected page: click here.
The form for students is on the right side of this webpage.
This page is for Mines and NREL faculty and staff and enrolled and participating graduate students.
Nexus will remove student profiles upon request, at any time, or at the student’s academic career end at Mines, whichever comes first.
If you have additional questions about the graduate student profile service, please contact us at
Mines Graduate Student Profile Form
Nexus introduces current Mines graduate students to NREL researchers who might be interested in working with them, (supported or just as committee member).
Inquiries? Email us at